Influencer Campaign Drives Awareness of Fred Rogers Productions’ Shows
Between streaming options, social media content and traditional linear television, the entertainment landscape can get crowded. For media companies and rights holders, today’s environment can be tricky when trying to promote something new.
As social media agency of record for Fred Rogers Productions, 9Rooftops is no stranger to navigating these challenges. With new seasons debuting for their Donkey Hodie and Alma’s Way programs, we were challenged to find a way to cut through the clutter and drive awareness of these launches and the unique elements of each show. Donkey Hodie is a puppet series that’s geared toward pre-schoolers and has direct connections to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Alma’s Way was created for a slightly older audience, ages 4-6, and is an animated series centered on a Puerto Rican girl growing up in the Bronx.
While each show attracts a different audience, our team focused on a key insight that was common to both properties: parents and caregivers regularly turn to social media platforms for guidance and tools on raising and supporting children. Grounded in the legacy of Fred Rogers himself, these programs, while different, are both carefully crafted to help kids learn meaningful life skills. Getting that point of difference out to parents and caregivers would be a key messaging point on social media for these new seasons. And to deliver that message in an authentic and relatable way on social, we collaborated with a group of influencers over the course of a four-week campaign.
9Rooftops carefully vetted a group of diverse influencers to support each show’s new season. Given that awareness was the primary objective, we focused on macro-level creators, as macros tend to be best at supporting awareness objectives. The vetting process involved sourcing influencers who have an authentic connection to each show and its core values, in addition to having children who fit the age ranges for each show.
Ultimately, we partnered with two Instagram influencers for each show. The full campaign drove nearly 2.4 million impressions. Engagements were also high, demonstrating the quality and authenticity of the content. With Alma’s Way in particular, the engagement rate of that part of the campaign was 9.5%, which is almost 10 times the industry average. Donkey’s portion of the campaign also saw strong engagements, coming in almost four times the industry average.
As the first influencer program of its kind for Fred Rogers Productions, the campaign also presented the opportunity to test different media formats on Instagram with Reels, Carousels, single image posts and Stories being shared by our creator partners. While impressions were strong across all media formats, it was notable that engagements peaked on Reels.
Another added benefit of the program was a 2.5% uptick in followers of the brand’s main Instagram page. While this wasn’t a core objective of the program, it also supported the broader audience growth goals that 9Rooftops works closely with Fred Rogers Productions on throughout the year.
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